• Get 4+ Tickets, save 10%
     • Get 12+ Tickets, save 20%

For 4+ tickets, buy online here or call 615.687.6400. For 12+ tickets, email group sales or call 615.687.6422.

Check out the Saturday, Dec. 21, concert for best availability.

Nashville Symphony & Chorus | Giancarlo Guerrero, 
conductor | Tucker Biddlecombe, chorus director | Mary Wilson, soprano | Elizabeth Batton, mezzo-soprano | Garrett Sorenson, tenor | Andrew Foster-Williams, bass

Featuring the resounding Hallelujah Chorus, it’s Nashville's grandest Messiah – full of passion, drama and stunning beauty. Celebrate the season as your Nashville Symphony & Chorus perform one of the most inspiring works of music ever written.

The Schermerhorn box office will open at 11 am on Sunday, December 22. Questions? Email


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