MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2018
7:00 PM | Schermerhorn Symphony Center
Violins of Hope Nashville event
Voices of Hope is the Second Annual Schermerhorn Invitational Choral Festival, presented this year in partnership with the Tennessee Holocaust Commission as part of Violins of Hope Nashville. This year’s festival will convene student choirs from local public schools, private schools and religious organizations under the direction of Dr. Tamara Freeman, an internationally acknowledged Holocaust ethnomusicologist. Dr. Freeman is working with each choir and director individually prior to the festival in preparation for a day of rehearsals that will culminate in a free performance open to the public.
Participating choirs include Akiva School, Choral Arts Link, MET Singers, Hillwood High School, I.T. Creswell Middle Prep, East Nashville High School, Antioch High School, Hillsboro High School and Nashville School for the Arts.
Learn More About Tamara Freeman
Learn More About Violins of Hope Nashville